The Coparenting Toolkit: The Essential Supplement for Mom's House, Dad's House, Paperback/Isolina Ricci Phd
USA BEST BOOKS AWARD and the INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS Award Winning Finalist "The Co Parenting Toolkit will likely become the resource manual for coparents, their attorneys, and mediators... ---Claire N. Barnes, MA, Executive Director, Kids' Turn "Best I have seen in this kind of book ...more useful and practical information in fewer pages than any other author on this topic. It's actually fun to read." ---Phillip Reedy, MA, Family Court Mediator, former Education Coordinator, California Statewide Office of Family Court Services ESSENTIAL STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS Step-by-Step and Easy-to-Use This is a real toolkit It's packed with fresh new strategies plus some advanced versions of time-tested solutions from its partner, the comprehensive classic, Mom's House, Dad's House. You will discover how to- Build and keep a healthy co-parenting relationship Enhance your strengths Find success with emails, texts, meetings Find success with 3 new essential Co Parenting Guidelines Speed healing by managing hurt and hard feelings PLUS, what kids need you to know, "words to try," extras for Parenting Plans, schedules, problem-solving, parenting tips, and much more... FOR PARENTS AND PROFESSIONALS Reviews at www. The Co Parenting Toolkit. com About the Author: Isolina Ricci, Ph D, is the author of the enduring classic for parents, Mom's House, Dad's House, and the book for parents and kids, Mom's House, Dad's House for KIDS. She is an internationally recognized licensed family therapist, educator, and mediator whose work has inspired and supported two generations of parents. Many of her pioneering concepts such as "Parenting Plans," the "business-like" approach for managing conflict and communications, better words to replace legal terms like "custody" and "visitation," have all become accepted standards. Her work has been cited in courtrooms, classrooms, and legal publications. Dr. Ricci is the founder and director of Custody & Co Parenting Solutions and Co Parenting Today. com (formerly know