Chasing Kites: A Memoir about Growing Up with ADHD, Paperback/Tom Nardone
Chasing Kites is unflinching look at growing up with ADHD at a time in which there was little to no awareness. If you want to know and feel what someone with ADHD goes through, there is not a better way to understand than Chasing Kites. Tom Nardone shares his personal stories in the most honest and genuine fashion. Some of which are hysterically funny, while others are quite moving and touching. Through these stories, Tom connects with his readers by actually explaining what was going through his mind, and/or his thought process at the time which they occurred. Tom, for more than half of his life, was not accepted by the majority of his peers. He did not fit into any of society's norms. This was evident in the fact he was bullied and picked on daily for his first 10 years of school, and the fact he was fired from more jobs than he can recount. Chasing Kites is not an ADHD manual. It is a true story that spans from kindergarten through high school and well into adulthood. It's a story of victory and defeat. It's a story of love and hate. Chasing Kites is the story of Tom Nardone going from being a troubled young boy to being a hero to so many others like him. "Tom writes with passion, sincerity, and honesty. I was moved to tears." Rick Green of "Totally ADD(c)" "There are a handful of people in the ADHD universe who can successfully combine biting humor with heart-wrenching truth to yield provocative prose that entertain while enlightening. Tom Nardone is one of the few." Alan Brown of "ADDCrusher(c)" and "Crusher TV(c)" "I have never read anything so vulnerable, so honest, so inspiring or funny. I highly recommend it." Laurie Dupar of "The International ADHD Coach Training Center(c)" "Gripping and compelling I did not put it down until the end." Jennie Friedman of the "See in ADHD(c)" Podcast Tom Nardone is widely known in the ADHD community from his writing, interaction, and most notably "The Tom Nardone Show" which can be heard on iTunes(c) and iHeart Radio(c). Tom is