Faith on a Sticky Note: A Journey of Addiction, Faith, Death and Life, Paperback/Mark McKinney
Do you ever doubt your faith in God because you never had that one defining "salvation moment" that other Christians talk about - you know the one where you drop to your knees, plead to be saved, then receive a feeling, vision, or some other heavenly sign of confirmation? This is exactly how author Mark Mc Kinney felt, until he faced the daunting task of going public with his Christian testimony. Enter: the sticky note. Over the last several decades, the sticky note has become a hallmark of modern life. Reminders, schedules, even love notes have been relegated to these small paper squares, which we tack onto the computer monitor, the refrigerator, or the dashboard. Little do we know that in posting them, we leave veritable paper trails - mini-documentaries of what we do, what is important to us, and what defines us as people. In Faith on a Sticky Note, Mc Kinney uses this idea to relay how he discovered his faith, tracking down the "spiritual sticky notes" of his life, then piecing them together like a puzzle. "I never had my moment..." he writes. "I had many moments." Through the heartwarming, personal accounts of his father's battle with alchoholism and eventual death, Mc Kinney reminds us that faith, like life, in not made in a single defining moment, but rather in everyday situations attuned to God's perfect timing.