320 AP Calculus AB Problems Arranged by Topic and Difficulty Level: 160 Test Questions with Solutions, 160 Additional Questions with Answers/Steve Warner
Description320 AP Calculus AB Problems Arranged by Topic and Difficulty Level is the perfect guide to help you ace the AP Calculus exam with a minimum amount of effort. The problems in this book were carefully chosen by a Ph. D. in mathematics with more than a decade of AP Calculus tutoring experience. This book is laid out in such a way that any student can immediately find the problems he or she needs to improve in a quick and efficient manner. Using this book you will learn to solve AP Calculus problems in clever and efficient ways that will have you spending less time on each problem, and answering difficult questions with ease. You will feel confident that you are applying a trusted system to a test that most students consider extremely difficult. The main part of the book consists of AP Calculus problems arranged by topic and difficulty level. You will learn many simple techniques to solve AP Calculus problems of all difficulty levels, and as you go through the book you will receive a comprehensive review of the subject. Here's to your success on the AP Calculus exam, in college, and in life. About the Author Dr. Steve Warner is a mathematician and test prep expert who has been tutoring students in mathematics for standardized tests since 1999. During this time Dr. Warner has used the feedback from thousands of students to develop a unique system that can be used by anyone to drastically improve his or her math score in a very short period of time. In 2012, Dr. Warner founded "GET 800" whose goal it is to provide inexpensive SAT math preparation for students who cannot afford to pay $375 per session for one on one tutoring from a test prep expert. GET 800 offers 6 SAT math prep books, and a free 12 part email course that is customized for each student based on their PSAT/SAT math score. Dr. Warner works with students individually and in group settings, he tutors both live and over video conferencing and he offers free materials in the form of his blog, his You Tub