Being Legally Blind: Observations for Parents of Visually Impaired Children/Justin Oldham
Description All parents face a mix of joys and challenges when welcoming a new child into the family. Being told that your new son or daughter has a visual disability makes the task of sharing the world with that child seem much more daunting. It will be difficult, but it is an adventure which you both can survive. This book will provide you with some insight into the obstacles you will face, pitfalls to be avoided, joys to be shared, and hope for what is to come. What expectations should you have? What resources are available to assist your child? Where do you find them? Is it possible for your child to become a happy, successful member of society? This book addresses these questions and others, with a foreword by career ophthalmologist and eye surgeon Griffith C. Steiner, M. D.About the Author Justin Oldham is a legally blind writer who lives in Anchorage, Alaska. He holds bachelor's degrees in political science and history from the University of Alaska. A long-time Alaskan resident and self-described "reformed bureaucrat," Justin's many interests include collecting rare books related to the Cold War and 20th century science fiction, reading, writing, playing strategy games, and working on his numerous home improvement projects. Justin's other works include the novel "The Fisk Conspiracy" and the short story collection "Tales from the Kodiak Starport."