La Vida Es Sue o / Life Is a Dream, Paperback/Pedro Calderon De La Barca
La obra emblem tica de Calder n de la Barca, La vida es sue o, una pieza clave y fundamental del Siglo de Oro, considerada una de las obras maestras del teatro espa ol de todos los tiempos. Somos libres o estamos predeterminados al nacer? A esta pregunta universal intenta dar respuesta La vida es sue o. El pr ncipe Segismundo representa la condici n humana: la lucha por la libertad en contra del destino. El rey Basilio, su padre, le mantiene encerrado en una torre desde ni o porque seg n los astros llegar a ser un tirano cuando alcance le trono. En este drama, el componente filos fico cobra una importancia decisiva: se indaga sobre las distintas maneras de interpretar la realidad, #que toda la vida es sue o, y los sue os, sue os son#. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The most famous of all Calderon's varied and romantic dramas, this seventeenth-century masterpiece by the great Spanish playwright explores the conflict between free will and predestination as it focuses on the life of Segismundo, a Polish prince imprisoned at birth by his father, the King. The monarch's heartless action, precipitated by astrologers who predict the boy will one day usurp the throne, paves the way for a series of events that turn the son against the father and lead to rebellion. Years later, following a revolution and the peasants' seizure of power, the grim prophecy uttered at the Prince's birth threatens to become a painful reality. For this edition, Stanley Appelbaum has written an informative introduction and an excellent new literal translation that appears on pages facing the Spanish original. A valuable text for students of Spanish language and literature, this volume will delight any reader interested in classics from Spain's Golden Age of drama. About the Author: Pedro Calder n de la Barca (Madrid, 1600-1681) es uno de los m s importantes autores teatrales de la literatura europea. En 1625 se alist bajo las banderas del duque de Alba, y estuvo en Flandes e Italia. En el primer lugar debi de se