Essential Gut & Hormone Wellness: Finding Balance Naturally, Paperback/Teri a. Ringham

Essential Gut & Hormone Wellness: Finding Balance Naturally, Paperback/Teri a. Ringham


THE PERFECT STORM... - Chemicals in our food and personal care products that disrupt hormones and damage gut lining - A medical system that treats our symptoms with meds, injections, and surgeries, rather than educating us on the root cause of our health issues The result is a perfect storm brewing within our bodies that ultimately results in physical and mental health conditions. In our society, poor health and daily meds are so common that we have come to accept sick as normal. Sick is NOT normal. In Gut & Hormone Wellness, Teri Ringham speaks in a way that helps us "get it" with a simple, logical plan that identifies where to start to guide us back to wellness. You'll read why focusing on gut health and our master hormone is vital to our beginning steps toward wellness. Whether you are a little sick or a lotta sick, this book is for you. We can never doubt the human body's ability to adapt, to compensate, to get back on track. Avoid the perfect storm for your body and your health. Experience the joy of taking control as you not only see, but FEEL, the changes in your body's response to proper care. Experience your NEW NORMAL-to feel empowered, to live with energy, to heal, to have good health For essential oils users: After the recommended lifestyle changes listed within bring you above the wellness line, Teri includes an appendix listing her favorite oils and supplements to further support your wellness. TESTIMONIALS Kelly S: I'm expecting in December Going from doctors telling me I would need to take a list of synthetic hormones to even try to get pregnant, to a three-month natural regime fixing my hormone issues is amazing I can't thank you enough Luanna L: I know your heart is healthy lives for everyone. I'm so thankful to Jesus for you and your knowledge. I stopped my thyroid medication eight months ago and had my blood drawn yesterday-all three levels were perfect. I'm so happy-no more drugs. Gosh I'm blessed to have you in my life. Thanks, Teri A

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