KJV Giant Print Reference Bible, Black Leathertouch/Csb Bibles by Holman
Description The KJV Giant Print Reference Bible features giant, easy-to-read 13-point type in a convenient trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The giant-print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching. Features include: Easy-to-read typeface, smyth-sewn binding, presentation page, two-column text, end-of-verse cross-references, topical page headings, words of Christ in red, 13-point type, concordance, and full-color maps. The KJV Giant Print Reference Bible features the authorized version of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God's Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible. About the Author Translated by more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations, the Christian Standard Bible fulfills its mission of being as literal as possible to the most reliable manuscripts without compromising readability. This optimal blend of fidelity and clarity means the CSB is reliable for serious study, but is also rendered in engaging, sharable language that stirs hearts, drives understanding, and changes lives. The CSB is where original meaning is discovered, heart connection is made, and lifelong inspiration begins.