Embracing Life: Surviving the Struggle by Learning to Embrace the Experience, Paperback/Emeka Anyiam
Description The word "embrace" originates from the Latin term "bracchim" and is referred to as "embracer" in Old French. Embrace means to encircle, surround, enclose. How in much of our lives we embrace certain things we love, places. However, many parts of our lives' circumstances we do not embrace, such as feelings we do not accept, circumstances we reject entirely. In fact, there are certain situations or conditions our society frowns upon that are utterly unacceptable, such as bullying, racism, terrorism and illegal activities. In some cases, due to high expectations and pressures from our society, some tend to violate their own morals by embracing morals that contradict their own, just because our society says to. Sometimes, in some situations, we also allow some individuals to determine what we should or should not embrace in our lives. Allowing others to have total control over oneself could stem from many areas of life, including how one was brought up and changes made along the way. More so, we tend not to embrace uncomfortable feelings or actions. Instead, we may attempt to suppress those thoughts, feelings, actions or circumstances that do not fit who we claim to be. By doing so, we may end up not being the person we intended to be. While it is easy for us to embrace comforting thoughts, feelings and specific actions, it is imperative that we also embrace those discomforting thoughts, feelings and specific actions and those sad circumstances as well. For instance, "I love this about myself vs. I hate this about myself." As humans, we cannot just accept or embrace part of our being. We must always recognize the whole of who we are, whether it is good or bad. Even though we may not like specific features or characteristics about ourselves, they are part of us, and should be accepted and integrated into our whole. Embracement is a word we probably act on or use when it suits us or when things are moving favorably in our lives, but is rejected when things are