The Love Song of the Ages: An Allegory Revealing God's Extravagant Love for You/Stacie Shively
Description Stories have the power to bypass our minds and speak to our hearts. Jesus often used allegories - stories that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning - to teach deep spiritual truths to His disciples. Did you know the love story of the Song of Solomon is an allegory meant to reveal the breadth, length, height, and depth of God's extravagant love for you? The Love Song of the Ages will help you grasp the Song of Solomon as an illustration of a believer's intimate love-relationship with Jesus. The author will show you how to make it your own personal prayer dialogue with Jesus - enabling you to see yourself, individually, as Jesus's beloved, precious bride. As you do, your emotions will be transformed by His deep love for you. About the Author Stacie Shively holds an associate's degree in theology from Grace Training Center in Kansas City, Missouri, where she was introduced to the Song of Solomon as an allegory revealing an intimate relationship with Jesus through the teaching of Mike Bickle. Her passion is to help believers understand the depths of God's amazing love for them. She lives in Powell, Ohio with her husband Randy and their two dogs.