Emotional Intelligence: The Complete Psychologist's Guide to Mastering Social Skills, Improve Your Relationships, Boost Your Eq and Self Maste, Paperback/Brandon Cooper
Description CONQUER YOUR EMOTIONS AND MASTER YOUR LIFE If you were asked two decades ago "What are the factors that determine a person's overall success in life?" you would have said: a high intelligence quotient, good grades, and a higher education. It was natural to assume that people with high intelligence had higher chances of being successful. While it may not be as well-known as intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) is responsible for making it possible for some people to more naturally connect with others in a productive way. EQ helps them effortlessly make the right choice in the moment and generally be able to create positive actions from good intentions. These days companies aren't necessarily looking for the strongest employees, or even the smartest ones but they are rather looking for people whose natural charisma allows them to easily navigate through interpersonal relationships, while also keeping their own emotions in check, which helps to ensure they are able to make the best possible choice, regardless of the situation. This ability is known as emotional intelligence, and if you are looking for a way to improve your own then this is the book you have been waiting for. Here are some topics you can expect from this book: History of emotional intelligence models Power packed tips for boosting your emotional self-awareness Enhancing social EQ with power-packed verbal and non-verbal tips Secrets for developing high social E. I. Emotional intelligence and delaying gratification. Improving relationships through emotional intelligence Solid tips for practicing empathy