Any Summer Sunday at Nacho Mama's Patio Cafe: Drag, Songs, Friends, Laughs, Lies, Danger & Redemption, Paperback/Steven Schatz
Description Every Sunday evening, Tia Ra del Fuego's Parade of Gowns drag show presents the best entertainment in our little, Indiana college town in Hoosier Daddy, the only gay bar around. Between sets, we gathered for drinks and nachos at Nacho Mama's Patio Cafe. Trading lies, laughs, adventures, celebrations and sorrows, our merry band relished the life of the small town gay, safe in the bosom of long-time friends. Then Tia Ra announced she had found "true" love - yet again and was leaving to be with her latest amour. Disaster loomed. How far should you go to save a friend from her own desires? Over the course of the evening, the Entrepreneur, the Lush, the Boys, the Spy, the Southern Belle, the Fixer and the Storyteller struggled to help, to rescue and to allow, because that is what friends do for friends. While Stonewall brought pride and visibility to gays, outside the cities, the community was, and often is, quiet outside of bar life. Inside, however, we can let our hair down and put our pumps on - a center of gay culture and friendship. Remember, Stonewall was a gay bar - tits full of drag queens. Set in 2007, A. S.S. celebrates and explores that milieu. Annotation Every Sunday evening, Tia Ra del Fuego's Parade of Gowns drag show presents the best entertainment in Hoosier Daddy, the only gay bar around. Then Tia Ra announced she had found "true" love--yet again--and was leaving to be with her latest amour. Disaster loomed. How far should friends go to save a friend from her own desires?n desires?