A Gfg-Girlfriends' Getaway: A Woman's Guide to Traveling with Your Girls/Vikki Miller-Walton
Description You will find this GFG-Girlfriends' Getaways' guide to be uplifting and fun, tapping into your inner self and exploring the soulful reasons for taking a GFG-Girlfriends' Getaway. It will potentially push you to step outside your limits and embark on what many women have decided is an important part of their empowerment. A GFG-Girlfriends' Getaway can provide benefits that extend beyond not just your personal and professional needs but those of your health and community. This book will guide you through convincing yourself and others, mental and physical benefits, compatibility assessments of friends, financial considerations, the planning, the journey and the return. Do not delay Stop making excuses and do not put off what you know you can do today. A GFG-Girlfriends' Getaway is a part of the journey of life, a new life, an enhanced life of a woman. About the Author Vikki Miller-Walton is a corporate professional who has traveled extensively for 20-plus years both personally and professionally. Her travels have spanned all 50 U. S states, 6 continents and numerous countries. As a wife and working mother, having raised a family, while developing lifelong travel friendships, she is convinced that traveling is a key component to the fulfillment of life's journey. It is with this knowledge and wisdom that she is humbly compelled to write this book for your enjoyment, inspiration, and travel enlightenment.