Solve: Finding God's Solutions in a World of Problems, Paperback/Talbot Davis
Description Many people are good at pointing out problems. What if God's people were among the few who are good at finding solutions? How would our world and our lives be different? This five-week study focuses on the person of Nehemiah in the Bible, who faced the difficult work of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem after his people returned from exile. Confronted with this complicated task and the many dilemmas that came with it, Nehemiah chose not to dwell on his problems or to pursue his own answers. Instead, he sought God's solutions, following God's lead and trusting God's purposes. God's people today are called to do the same. In each chapter, Talbot Davis shows how Nehemiah's experiences mirror the problems we face, as individuals and as a society. As you read this book, you will hear God's call to be someone who finds solutions. You will see how you can follow in Nehemiah's footsteps, building up your life and the world around you. You will be challenged not to focus on problems, but to seek God's solutions and how you can help bring them about. This book is based on a sermon series Talbot Davis delivered at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion, a practical focus for the week, a closing prayer, and daily scripture passages to guide personal reading throughout the week.