Divine Beings: The Spiritual Lives and Lessons of Animals/Cara M. Gubbins Phd
Description Walk with the Animals and Talk with the Animals... ONE OF THE FINEST SPIRITUAL SCIENTISTS exploring our world today takes us on a dramatic, inspiring, revelatory journey into the inner world of animals. Dr. Cara Gubbins searched for years for a modern-day King Solomon's Ring - a tool to help her talk to animals in their own language. An unexpected intuitive conversation with a Chihuahua revealed that she already had the "ring" inside her. As she seeks answers to compelling questions about the spiritual framework of our world and the bonds between humans and animals, Dr. Gubbins captures the personalities and experiences of animals so vividly that she transports the reader deep inside the animal kingdom. You will swim with gray whales along the California coastline, stalk prey in the backyard wilderness with a house cat, and fly with bats at dusk. The beauty and magic of each animal is revealed through scientific, mythical and intuitive lenses - combining to create a rich tapestry that celebrates the majesty and diversity of life, and the unique place each soul has within it. If you've ever dreamed of walking with animals, talking to animals, or even being an animal, this book is for you About the author I'm Dr. Cara Gubbins animal intuitive, pet medium, award-winning author, speaker, coach, retreat leader, wife and mom. I grew up dreaming of being Jacques Cousteau - that's what drove me to go to college, get my Master's Degree and my Ph D. My first book The Dolphins of Hilton Head was written about the dolphins I came to love while studying them for my dissertation. (And this book received a Royal Palm Book Award!) My story was included in Power Stories - Everyday Women Creating Extraordinary Lives, a collection of 20 inspiring true stories that I published with my co-authors Fran Taylor Powers and Laurie Santulli. And then I remembered another dream, an earlier dream, an impossible dream: to be Dr. Doolittle. So, at the age of 44, I went back to school to g