Morir de Pie / Die Standing Up, Paperback/Pedro J. Fernandez
Description Por el autor de los bestsellers Yo D az e Iturbide. Yo har que se las devuelvan , le prometi Emiliano Zapata a su padre... As iniciar a una lucha agraria que transformar a el destino de un pa s. Emiliano Zapata est dispuesto a volver a la lucha, pero 1919 le tiene preparado un sangriento rev s. Es traicionado por quien menos lo espera, y en sus ltimos momentos de vida recuerda su infancia, sus batallas y a las personas que lo acompa aron desde la cuna hasta el campo de batalla. En viva voz, Zapata relata fuerte y claro los momentos m s importantes de la Revoluci n mexicana, como el inicio de la lucha armada, su reuni n con Francisco Villa en la Ciudad de M xico, y su intrigante relaci n con el yerno de Porfirio D az; as como su ideal en Tlaltizap n y las razones que lo llevaron a escribir el famos simo Plan de Ayala. A cien a os de la muerte de Emiliano Zapata, Morir de pie adentra al lector a la apasionante vida de uno de los personajes m s emblem ticos de la Revoluci n mexicana, y a un importante legado que permanece m s vivo que nunca. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION By the author of the bestsellers I, D az and Iturbide. "I'll make them give it back to you," Emiliano Zapata promised his father... thus beginning the agricultural fight that would transform the destiny of an entire country. Emiliano Zapata is willing to fight again, but 1919 has a bloody mishap in store for him. He is betrayed by the person he least expects, and in his last moments he remembers his childhood, his battles, and the people who accompanied him from the crib to the battlefield. Zapata talks clearly and vehemently about the most important moments of the Mexican Revolution, like the beginning of the armed conflict, his meeting with Franciso Villa in Mexico City, and his intriguing relationship with Porfirio D az's son-in-law, as well as his goal in Tlaltizap n and the reasons that led him to write the famous Ayala Plan. One hundred years after the death of Emiliano Zapata, Die Standing Up p