40 Something: 10 Radical Lessons For Women On How To Live and Love Without Losing Themselves/Darnise C. Martin
Description40 Something is for women who are revisiting themselves. I wrote it for women who've consistently given so much over the years, and who now stop to ask, Have I given so much that I don't have anything left for myself? I write for the woman who is feeling a void in her life because she doesn't know where she fits in anymore. Her roles have shifted, and finally she is taking time for herself, reviewing her goals and her dreams in light of all the peaks and valleys that she's encountered on her life's journey. She has struggled at times but senses that now at 40 Something she is called to be front and center in her own life. This book is for any woman over 40 who could use some encouragement and validation that you are enough and you can bounce back from anything that temporarily knocked you down, shook your confidence, and left you doubting yourself. As your life coach I will be reminding you that you are enough. You have only to own it and share your authentic brilliance with the rest of us.