Mission in a Bottle: The Honest Guide to Doing Business Differently - And Succeeding, Hardcover/Seth Goldman
In an incredibly fun and accessible two-color graphic-book format, the cofounders of Honest Tea tell the engaging story of how they created and built a mission-driven business, offering a wealth of insights and advice to entrepreneurs, would-be entrepreneurs, and millions of Honest Tea drinkers about the challenges and hurdles of creating a successful business--and the importance of perseverance and creative problem-solving. Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff began Honest Tea fifteen years ago with little more than a tea leaf of an idea and a passion to offer organic, freshly brewed, lightly sweetened bottled tea. Today Honest Tea is a rapidly expanding national brand sold in more than 100, 0000 grocery stores, restaurants, convenience stores and drugstores across the country. The brand has flourished as American consumers move toward healthier and greener lifestyles. About the Author: BARRY NALEBUFF is the Milton Steinbach Professor at Yale School of Management, where he teaches negotiation, innovation, and strategy. He is the coauthor of Thinking Strategically, Co-opetition, Why Not?, and The Art of Strategy. A graduate of MIT, and a Rhodes Scholar, he earned his doctorate at Oxford University. He has been a columnist for Forbes, and a regular commentator on Marketplace. SETH GOLDMAN is the president and Tea EO of Honest Tea, which he cofounded with Barry Nalebuff in 1997. He is an internationally recognized spokesman for mission-driven enterprise and sustainability. He appears regularly on MSNBC, CNBC, and Fox. He blogs for Treehugger. com, Inc. com, The Huffington Post, and the New York Times.