The Boogeyman Exists; And He's in Your Child's Back Pocket: (first Edition) Internet Safety Tips for Keeping Your Children Safe Online, Smartphone Saf, Paperback/Jesse Weinberger
Description This is NOT the CURRENT EDITION. The Amazon item # for the new edition is 153948081X Please click on "See newer edition of this book" to purchase the current edition. Do you know how to keep your children safe in a 24-7, always connected digital society? Sometimes I feel like Chicken Little shouting: "The sky is falling," but then I turn on the news the next morning, and a chunk of the sky falls into my coffee. As your children travel through the digital world they are also going to experience its underbelly; a dark place filled with cyberbullying, sexting, and sexual predation. Most parents believe that they should discuss this issue of digital safety with their children around the time that puberty hits. This is completely incorrect. The discussion about digital safety needs to begin the very first time your child uses a tablet or a smartphone without mom or dad literally sitting right next to them. Children as young as 8 years old are regular consumers of pornography. Middle school students are going to prison as a result of felony sexting. Sexual predators are hanging out in the same games and apps where your children are. Get educated, today. Read each chapter's Action Steps and implement them today in your own home. Use the Conversation Starters in each chapter to begin a dialogue with children of any age. Find out if your child is ready for a cell phone. Learn why You Tube is the biggest pornography risk in your home. Learn how Minecraft can be either completely safe or a harbor for sexual predators. Learn why children as young as 11 years old are being charged with child pornography felonies. Learn how to lock down your wifi signal and your child's devices. Learn how to keep your children safe from the 750k sexual predators who are online each day. Learn why the new beginning age for pornography consumption is 8 years old. Learn which social platforms experience the most cyberbullying. Educate yourself on the specific apps and social platforms that