Dictionary of One-Word Substitution: Vocabulary Building, Paperback/MR Manik Joshi
One-Word Substitutes: A Word that is used in place of a complete sentence This book covers the following topics: 01. Relate This book covers the following topics: (01). Related Words, (02). Scientific Studies, (03). That Which Cannot Be..., (04). Types of Behavior, (05). Types of Doctors, (06). Different Instruments, (07). A Particular Type of Place, (08). A Particular Type of Person, (09). Phobia and Mania, (10). Connected With..., (11). Country-Government, (12). Types of States, (13). Types of Statements, (14). Money-Related, (15). Other Topics, (A). Professions, (B). A Collection of Things, (C). Act of Killing, (D). Physical Appearance of A Person, (16). Various One-word Substitutes, Sample This: (01). Related Words 01a. A person who looks at the bright side of things -- Optimist; 01b. A person who looks at the dark side of things - Pessimist 02a. All the animals living in a particular area -- Fauna; 02b. Plants and vegetation in a particular area -- Flora 03a. A government tax on goods brought into the country -- Customs; 03b. A government tax on goods made within a country -- Excise 04a. A person who is more interested in others -- Extrovert; 04b. A person who keeps himself to himself -- Introvert 05a. That which cannot be harmful or dangerous -- Innocuous; 05b. Causing serious harm in gradual or unnoticeable way -- Insidious 06a. A person who is taking examination -- Examinee; 06b. A person who examine the copies of examinees -- Examiner 07a. A person who talks too much -- Garrulous/Loquacious; 07b. A person who eats too much -- Glutton 08a. To suddenly change direction -- Deflect; 08b. To keep on changing direction during movement -- Meander 09a. Ability to know something on the basis of feelings rather than reasoning -- Intuition; 09b. Ability to speak without moving your lips -- Ventriloquism 10a. To change a law in order to improve it -- Amend; 10b. To correct the mistakes in manuscript, etc. -- Emend 11a. A person between 70 and 79 years old -- Septuagenar