Will, Trust, & Power of Attorney Creator and Estate Records Organizer, Paperback/Sanket Mistry
You may not have had a say in how you entered this world, but you don't have to leave it that way. Provide your family peace of mind and make it easier on yourself. Will, Trust, & Power of Attorney Creator and Estate Records Organizer can help you create legal estate documents you actually understand. Here is your guide to ensuring your family will have a place to live, financial stability, and minor children are provided for. You'll discover how to: finalize your will, reduce potential family conflicts, express your wishes about who will get what property, select someone to raise minor children, create a trust to financially support minor children, reduce estate taxes, bypass probate court, authorize someone to act on your behalf regarding healthcare and financial matters if you become unable to make your own decisions, you become too sick to make your own decisions, organize important estate records, leave a final letter to your loved ones, understand the documents you create, and much more. Regardless of its value, your family will likely benefit from an estate plan. And you don't have to spend a fortune to get it done, either. All of the forms you will need are included in this guide. Sample Forms Include: Wills: Last Will and Testament (for single and married couples), Self-Proving Affidavits, and Living Will. Trusts: Single Person Living Trust, Shared Living Trust, and AB Living Trust (with and without Disclaimer Statement). Power of Attorney: Healthcare-Durable Power of Attorney, Financial-Durable Power of Attorney, and Minor Child Care-Limited Power of Attorney. The Legal Self-Help Guide series provides information to those who want to understand their legal rights and responsibilities in an effort to resolve legal problems or know enough to feel confident in their decision to retain legal counsel. This Guide provides plain-English explanations as an alternative to the legal jargon that fills legal books. Express Your Rights. At Peerless Legal we believe the