Practical Guide to the Montessori Method at Home: With More Than 100 Activity Ideas from 0 to 6, Paperback/Julia Palmarola
Description The Practical Guide to the Montessori Method is aimed at parents who want to integrate Montessori activities at home with their children, easily and on a budget. It includes: - A basic introduction to the principles of the Montessori philosophy, - Numerous illustrated examples of how to apply it at home, classified by subject and age, and explained clearly and concisely, - A list of Montessori materials which are worth buying. The Guide is written in a pleasant and accessible tone, and has been structured so that it is: - Easy and quick to use, created especially for parents who lack free time, - Simple to implement, with activities classified by age, which include illustrations and pictures of the materials, - Affordable to execute, with cheap and simple materials. About the Author Julia Palmarola is an educational writer specialized in integrating the Montessori Method at home on a budget. Her books are written for parents who want to learn more about Montessori and apply it at home with their children.