New York Real Estate License Preparation Guide: We Guarantee You Pass the Exam on Your First Try, Paperback/Real Estate Education Inc
Description We are so confident that this is the only study guide you'll need to prepare for the New York real estate exam, that we guarantee you'll pass the exam on your first try or your money back. Why? It's because our book and teaching methods are specifically designed to get you ready for the test - there's no wasted time or energy. Each chapter comes with its own 'Study Smart Guide' and a quiz unique to the content found in that chapter. At the end of the book we have a Real Estate Glossary section, as well as a section devoted exclusively to Real Estate math. To top it all off, there are four complete 100 question exams - if you can pass these you'll be sure to pass with flying colors on exam day. This is the most thorough and complete study guide you can find for the New York real estate sales person's exam.