Discovering Humor in the Bible, Paperback/Howard R. Macy
Description Some folks are surprised to find humor in the Bible; they don't think it has any. Others are embarrassed; they worry about being sacrilegious. Some laugh and don't tell anyone; others laugh out loud and share it with those around. However people respond, the Bible does, in fact, use humor. This book examines why it's there, why it matters, what it looks like, how to look for it, and what to do with it when you find it. The author's goal is to help people become better Bible readers, growing in both skill and insight. So the book doesn't just display a collection of museum pieces, showing the treasures of other explorers. Instead, it offers readers tools and field guides to become explorers discovering on their own. It's a fun how-to manual, dealing with what is routinely overlooked in teaching about biblical interpretation. Individuals will enjoy reading it, but it's also a rich resource for reading groups, Bible study groups, and classes. "Howard Macy is wise, warm, and witty. His new book, Discovering Humor in the Bible, is all of those things as well. As Leo Rosten once wrote, 'Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.' Howard's book is a wonderful example of that truth--as you read it you'll laugh, you'll learn, you'll gain fresh insights, and you'll come away deeply enriched for having spent time with it." --J. Brent Bill, Life Lessons from a Bad Quake rand Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality "Howard Macy's explorer's guide to discovering humor in the Bible not only charts new paths; it also illumines the territory. From the blind seer and the talking donkey to straining a gnat and swallowing a camel, the wit and wisdom of a gifted Bible teacher come through in ways that open us to the life-changing message of the Bible and the truth about ourselves. Read this book and you will never be able to view the Bible the same way again. What Elton Trueblood ventured a generation ago, Howard Macy has now achieved. Lucid, penetrating, an