Ekklesia Rising, Paperback/Liz Wright
Description"I truly believe that reading this book your life will never be the same. Every word is imbued with the Presence of Jesus and has been birthed through supernatural encounter." Wendy Alec. We are rising out of the ashes of pain and powerless religion, becoming a pure reflection of God in the earth. Destined to be fully filled with His beautiful, powerful Spirit we are together, an emerging unstoppable force of love and transforming authority. A people the realm of darkness cannot prevail against. As we learn to abide, experiencing and yielding to His life changing indwelling Presence, we receive the ability to live out of who we truly are in Christ. We find His Spirit increasingly flowing through us to heal and align every aspect of our life and identity with truth and to restore every hurting life we touch. Where lifes challenges, the brokenness in others or the enemies lies have defined you and held you captive, as you read the heart and wisdom of Jesus contained within these pages the eyes of your understanding will be flooded with light. You will become empowered to experience a level of freedom and peace you never thought possible. With a renewed security in the absolute love of God, you will be set free to live out of your authentic self and so begin to produce your highest purpose. We are Children of Light, Carriers of God, We are the most valuable, powerful thing in all of creation. This book is a remarkable treasure heralding a message that is sure to impact lives around the world. Gary Beaton - Founder, Transformation Glory Ministries. Ekklesia Rising contains more than just knowledge, it is truly revolutionary revelation. Shawn Bolz - Senior Pastor, Expression 58. This is a unique work and critical message for the Body of Christ today. Rhonda Hughey - Director, Fusion Ministries. I would recommend this book to anyone who is hungry for that 'more' of God that is so prevalent in the earth in this season. Ian Clayton - Founder, Son of Thunder Minis