The Attack on Eve: God's Vision vs. World's Vision, Paperback/Tina D. Thompson
Description Racing through life can be exhausting. There's nothing like wasted time and wasted life. Are we here to just eat, work, and sleep? Do you find yourself unable to think straight? Have you ever been clouded by evil thoughts? Do you have trouble getting past your past? Do you need help overcoming? Are your thoughts racing through your mind like a headline news report? Are you clueless as to how to stop the process? Time well spent with God is insurance for peace of mind, satisfaction, and happiness. As we navigate through this garden, we must have the proper information and weapons of spiritual warfare to equip ourselves with knowledge and understanding of the Word. In my life, as you will read parts of my testimony in this book, you'll begin to see the attacks, failures, defeats, and restoration I've had and still endure. Inside, you'll have simple chapter titles to sum up with a few words of attacks. The chapters will be easy to navigate points of origin, reasons of attacks, and spiritual solutions. The Attack on Eve was given to me on February 27, 2009. I was at my lowest and darkest chapter of my life. In December 2008, my son's heart stopped beating We were faced with either a funeral or genetic testing to investigate why our baby did not survive. I had been taught either by family or pastors to hear from God and He will lead you. I was not prepared to audibly hear from Him I was not even in prayer nor deep thought when He spoke to me. I was taking the laundry from the dryer and at the same time my family decided to come into the laundry room to see me. Somehow they were muted and God's voice was all I heard He spoke clearly and calmly. He said, "Daughter, write a book and call it The Attack on Eve. I will give you eight chapters."I immediately put pen to paper and wrote the chapters down. He spoke and birthed a book into my life to bring answers and solutions to many who are struggling as I was. Truly amazing grace I began my journey with, "Yes, Lord " God