Mad, Glad, or Sad, God Is for Me/Mikal Keefer
Even if she's feeling sad, God's for Tina--so she's glad When Tina's sniffling with sadness...or angry about an almost-shared soccer ball...or slipping into sleepy-time, she finds that someone's helping her along: God. Not only does this little book entertain--it gives young children the words they need to share their feelings. Check out the entire Best of Li'l Buddies series, including: - Everywhere I Go, God Is With Me - From Head to Toe, God Made Me - Here's the Reason God Made Me - All Day Long, God Loves Me(The Buddies featured in the Best of Li'l Buddies series are from Group's Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School) About the Author: Mikal Keefer is a grandfather who's authored more than 25 books for kids of all ages. His chief aim in life is snuggling his grandkids close so they can enjoy a good story together. Paula Becker is a freelance illustrator living in Montreal, Quebec & South Texas. For over twenty years she has created fun, whimsical illustrations for a variety of projects, such as books, magazines, posters, greeting cards, educational curriculum, and more.