How to Pray the Rosary in Four Different Ways, Paperback/Babes Tan-Magkalas
Description BONUS: Least Known But Powerful Prayers To Saint Joseph E-book Over the years, I have learned how to pray the Rosary in various ways and included in this book are three other ways or variations. So altogether, the reader is presented with four different ways of praying the Rosary - the traditional way, praying the Rosary to honor St. Joseph, the Franciscan Crown Rosary and the 54-Day Rosary Novena. While I pray the Rosary the traditional way regularly, I also pray the other variations occasionally. I pray the Rosary to honor St. Joseph nine days before and during his feast days on March 19 and May 1. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals so I pray the Franciscan Crown Rosary during the birthdays of my pets or when one of them is sick and during the feast day of St. Francis on October 4. But this is just me. I'm not saying that you should follow what I do as well. I pray the 54-Day Rosary Novena usually for the healing of the sick and for guidance in making major life decisions. It is my hope that those who read this book will be encouraged to pray the Rosary regularly. Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said: "The power of the Rosary is beyond description." May you make praying the Rosary a habit and experience its power