Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad: Breakthrough Ideas for Keeping Your Best Workers, Paperback/Richard P. Finnegan
Description Keep the workers you want - in good times and bad. How do organizations keep the workers they want? Until now, employee retention strategies have been based on instincts rather than research. With no firm body of knowledge to use as a guide, employee turnover has been a problem for all organizations. Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad is the first book to offer a top-to-bottom, organization-wide retention action plan. Many organizations lose employees and profits because they don't know which processes to put into place to cut employee turnover. They speak of building retention cultures but don't know who should do what and when. This hands-on tactical guide gives those answers, providing specific strategies and tactics backed by the author's own research and on-site experience. Rethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad is essential reading for all types of organizations-large or small, public or private, with high concentrations of low-skilled or high-skilled workers and across multiple industries. If you are losing workers you want to keep - in good economic times and bad - this book will tell you how to put retention solutions in place across your company. About the Author Richard Finnegan is President of Finnegan Mackenzie, a firm specializing in cutting employee turnover. He is recognized by executives across people management professions as a leading thinker and advisor on employee retention.