Manna in the Wilderness of AIDS: Ten Lessons in Abundance, Paperback/Kenwyn K. Smith
Description This is a poignant story of how a tenacious group of seven individuals from a Philadelphia church transformed a modest initiative to serve food to those with HIV/AIDS into a vibrant, interfaith nonprofit organization called Manna (Metropolitan AIDS Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance) -- and in the process, revitalized their community, themselves, and their church. The book describes ten life-giving lessons they experienced during Manna's early years. These universal lessons include: -- The greatest insights came from the most vulnerable in our midst-- The leaps of faith we took filled our spirits with vitality-- To thrive in the midst of massive turbulence required deep roots and radical shifts carefully timed-- Manna both sharpened and healed the tensions between race and social class-- The miraculous was contained within the mundane The book depicts how Manna overcame tremendous obstacles -- namely, fear and ignorance of AIDS and a lack of funding to accomplish benevolent goodness.