Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain. Volume I: Primary Management of Low Back Disorders Using the Crisp Protocols, Paperback/Dr Donald R. Murphy
Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain, Volume I: Primary Management of Low Back Disorders Using the CRISP Protocols, by internationally recognized clinician, author, and researcher Dr. Donald R. Murphy is a book for chiropractors, physical therapists, medical doctors, and other professionals as well as students who study, treat, and care for people with low back disorders. Unlike most medical texts, granular detail is replaced with a practical, evidence-based approach designed for real-world application. It gives clinicians and students a concise means to integrate disparate findings, organize clinical data, form a diagnosis, and design an effective management strategy. Murphy explains his unique approach to patient care with the Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain(TM) (CRISP(TM)) protocols, an evidence-based, patient-centered, and relationship-oriented approach to diagnosis and management. About the Author: Dr. Donald R. Murphy lives in Cranston, Rhode Island, with his wife and three daughters. A chiropractic physician for over twenty-five years, focusing on primary spine care, it is his deep commitment to foster the best care for patients suffering with low back and spine pain that led him to write his book, Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain, Volume I: Primary Management of Low Back Disorders. Dr. Murphy is currently the clinical director of the Rhode Island Spine Center. He is also Clinical Assistant Professor at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University. He has been on the expert panel for several spine care guidelines, and has lectured around the world on numerous topics related to spine disorders. Dr. Murphy has published many articles in several peer-reviewed scientific journals and trade publications. He is also the lead instructor for the postgraduate course in primary spine care given by the Primary Spine Practitioner Network. Information on this course can be found at http: //primaryspineprovider. com.