Electrician's Exam Study Guide 2/E, Paperback/Kimberley Keller
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Ace the Journeyman and Master Electrician Exams Featuring more than 1, 500 practice questions and answers, Electrician's Exam Study Guide, Second Edition provides everything you need to prepare for and pass the Journeyman and Master electrician licensing exams on the first try. This practical, up-to-date resource is filled with detailed illustrations, Test Tips which explain how to arrive at the correct answers, and Code Updates which clarify changes in the 2011 NEC. Answer sheets include cross-references to the precise article and section of the NEC from which questions are taken. Fully revised throughout, this careerbuilding guide helps you: Master the material most likely to appear on thelicensing exams Improve your test-taking ability with 1, 500+ true/falseand multiple-choice questions and answers Keep up with the 2011 NECAcquire the confidence, skills, and knowledge needed topass your exam Covers essential topics, including: Articles 90 through 110Wiring requirements and protection Wiring methods and materials Equipment for general use Special occupancies and classifications Special equipment Special conditions Communications Tables, annexes, and examples Math calculations and basic electrical theory Review and applying principles Master electrician skills Techniques for studying and taking your test About the Author: K. J. Keller is an associate engineer and electrical specialist with the largest international marine contractor on the east coast, experienced in Lean Six Sigma initiatives and electrical engineering and design methods. She served as the safety and compliance director, trainer, and project coordinator for one of New England's most prominent electrical contractors. Kimberley is the author of NEC 2008 Need to Know.