![The Seerah of Prophet Muhammad [ Pbuh ]: Learning and Islamic Activities Book for Kids - Islamic Coloring Cut & Paste Book, Paperback/The Way of Islam Uk The Seerah of Prophet Muhammad [ Pbuh ]: Learning and Islamic Activities Book for Kids - Islamic Coloring Cut & Paste Book, Paperback/The Way of Islam Uk](/image_library/378568-9781973729518.jpg)
The Seerah of Prophet Muhammad [ Pbuh ]: Learning and Islamic Activities Book for Kids - Islamic Coloring Cut & Paste Book, Paperback/The Way of Islam Uk
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Makkah to Amina and Abdullah. Abdullah passed away before Muhammad (pbuh) was born and was brought up by Amina, his mother. When he was six, his mother passed away and then he was looked after by his loving grandfather Abdul Mutallib. Two years later, Abdul Mutallib also passed away and Muhammad (pbuh) was brought up by his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad (pbuh) lived a simple life, marrying Khadija when he was twenty five years old. At the age of forty, the first verses came from Allah in the month of Ramadan. The Angel Jibrael brought these first five verses to Muhammad (pbuh). These words were written down by the scribes and memorised by the Muslims. This message continued for twenty three years and is known as the Qu'ran - the word of Allah. The Qu'ran is this pure message that was revealed to Muhammad 1400 years ago. These are the words of Allah that were sent to the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Allah has guarded it and kept it pure from changes and errors. The purpose or mission of the prophet (pbuh) was to deliver this message to Mankind and to follow its teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was kind and honest. He looked after his family and friends. He had good character and respected the elders. He looked after the orphans and the poor. He was concerned for the wellbeing of all people. He never stole or swore at anyone. He was loved and respected by everyone - the Muslims and the non-Muslims. The prophet's character and actions are also recorded in the Hadith books which give us an insight into this great man. Many people try and follow the example of the prophet (pbuh), indeed he is a role model for all Muslims. We should also be kind and good - following the example of the prophet (pbuh) throughout our lives. In this Seerah Book, Children will learn a lot about the prophet (pbuh) and about his life.