Is Your Body Baby Friendly?: How "unexplained" Infertility, Miscarriage and Ivf Failure Can Be Explained and Treated with Immunotherapy, Paperback/Alan E. Beer
This revised edition of the landmark text includes the latest tests and treatments for those who are experiencing unexplained IVF failure, recurrent miscarriage, or long term infertility. An over activated immune response to pregnancy and blood clotting problems are now being identified in women with these previously "unexplained" conditions. Over half of fertility centers now recommend immune evaluation for women with a history of loss or two or more IVF failures. Centers that specialize in reproductive immunology are seeing success rates of over 85% within three cycles and even saving some couples from expensive and often futile IVF treatment. A fully updated list of all these centers, in the US and abroad, is provided in this book, making this a vital resource for all couples considering fertility treatment and looking for the best options in their area. About the Author: The late Dr. Alan E. Beer identified five categories of immune problem that can cause pregnancy loss, IVF failure, and infertility. He died at the age of 69 in 2006. Julia Kantecki is a former marketing director who conceived and had a normal pregnancy after following immune therapy in 2003. Jane Reed received a B. S. (Hons) in Biology from the Robert D. Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon. After enduring five miscarriages and achieving pregnancy success using immunotherapy, Jane became a Clinical Research Associate and has produced many peer-reviewed articles on the immunology of pregnancy.