Beep Beep / Piip Piip/Petr Horacek
Description Two shaped board books from Petr Hor cek are now available in dual Spanish-English editions -- perfect for little ones who love things that go. When a family piles into a bright yellow car to drive to Grandma's house, they go broom, broom through the town, vroom, vroom along the highway, and chug, chug over the crosswalk. Getting there is almost as exciting as the welcome that awaits at the end -- and bright pictures and playful sound words make this a trip to enjoy. About the author Petr Hor cek grew up in Prague, where he trained at the Academy of Fine Arts before becoming a graphic designer, illustrator, and painter. Inspired by his two daughters, he has created numerous books for children, including The Fly, Silly Suzy Goose, Strawberries Are Red, and Blue Penguin. He lives in England.