Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty, Paperback (2nd Ed.)/Elizabeth F. Barkley
Contributor(s):Author: Elizabeth F. Barkley Author: Claire H. Major Author: K. Patricia Cross A guide to thirty-five creative assignments for pairs andgroups Collaborative Learning Techniques is the bestseller thatcollege and university faculty around the world have used to helpthem make the most of small group learning. A mountain of evidence shows that students who learn in smallgroups together exhibit higher academic achievement, motivation, and satisfaction than those who don't. Collaborative learning putsinto practice the major conclusion from learning theory: thatstudents must be actively engaged in building their own minds. Inthis book, the authors synthesize the relevant research and theoryto support thirty-five collaborative learning activities for use inboth traditional and online classrooms. This second edition reflects the changed world of highereducation. New technologies have opened up endless possibilitiesfor college teaching, but it's not always easy to use thesetechnologies effectively. Updated to address the challenges oftoday's new teaching environments, including online, "flipped," andlarge lectures, Collaborative Learning Techniques is awonderful reference for educators who want to make the most of anycourse environment. This revised and expanded edition includes: Additional techniques, with an all-new chapter on using gamesto provide exciting, current, technologically-sophisticatedcurricula A section on effective online implementation for each of thethirty-five techniques Significantly expanded pedagogical rationale and updates on thelatest research showing how and why collaborative learningworks Examples for implementing collaborative learning techniques ina variety of learning environments, including large lecture classesand "flipped" classes Expanded guidance on how to solve common problems associatedwith group work The authors guide instructors through all aspects of group work, providing a solid grounding in what to do, how to do it, and why itis im