Baptism of Fire and Power: Gifts and Language of the Holy Spirit, Paperback/Kathy Degraw
Be empowered through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Baptism of Fire; two separate baptisms that release the love and power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples to wait for the power from on high, but there is more. Jesus walked in miracles, signs, and wonders because He operated in the seven-fold function of the one Holy Spirit according to Isaiah 11: 2. Release the fire of the Holy Spirit within you through operating in the gifts, releasing the seven spirits of the Lord and praying in your supernatural prayer language of tongues. Learn about and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, Himself did not enter into ministry until He was baptized in the Spirit of God. We need to follow His example and get empowered with strength from the Holy Spirit. He is our partner in advancing the Kingdom of God. But who is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity? Discover and find out why we need Him Release your destiny and pray co-laboring with the Holy Spirit in your supernatural prayer language of tongues. He co-labors with us (Romans 8: 26) We don't have to do ministry or our prayer life without Him Discover and desire your supernatural prayer language and realize it still is today Read the Scriptural facts and be able to empower others and answer the naysayer's questions. The gifts of the Spirit are for today and not just one of two, but all nine of them are available to you Learn how to function in the all nine giftings of the Spirit in detail and how to start operating in the functions of the Holy Spirit, the same ministry, and way Jesus Christ performed miracles and healed the sick raised the dead and cast out demons In-Depth definitions on the nine giftings of the Spirit and get equipped to release those giftings. When the Holy Spirit comes, you'll receive visions, encounters, peace, empowerment and answers to prayer. This gift isn't to hold in lightly, but to distribute to the world to bring forth change Get empowered by receiving and learni