Green Tree Pythons as Pets. Green Tree Python Comprehensive Owner's Guide. Green Tree Pythons Care, Behavior, Enclosures, Feeding, Health, Myths and I, Paperback/Marvin Murkett
Green tree pythons are simply amazing animals. Wildly popular among snake enthusiasts, these beautiful animals are truly unique. Starring at one of these emerald green snakes transports the observer to a faraway and unfamiliar place, where these snakes have lived for millions of years - the rainforests of New Guinea and Australia. Green tree pythons have adapted to their rainforest habitat in a variety of fascinating and puzzling ways. They blend seamlessly with the green canopy as adults, yet they start life as bright yellow or red babies. They are incredibly athletic snakes, but they remain motionless while hunting. They are completely at ease in the trees, although the mothers venture to the ground to deposit their eggs. These nuanced adaptations that have allowed green tree pythons to survive in the wild, and they have made them popular among snake keepers as well. Unfortunately, it took several decades of effort to devise the basic husbandry protocol for green tree pythons; but, thanks to the work of countless zookeepers, breeders and hobbyists, green tree pythons are now relatively well understood and widely available to snake enthusiasts. While they are not an ideal species for first time snake keepers, those who have already kept a few pet snakes are likely to succeed with these beautiful serpents and be forever changed by them. About the authors: Marvin Murkett is an experienced writer and a true animal lover. He has been keeping reptiles and amphibians for over 30 years. He enjoys writing animal books and advising others how to take care of their animals to give them a happy home. Ben Team is an environmental educator and author with over 16 years of professional reptile-keeping experience. Ben has kept and bred reptiles for his entire adult life. He is an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist, and he is state-licensed to perform nuisance wildlife removal. Ben currently maintains www. Footsteps In The Forest. com, where he shares information