The Meaning of Feathers, Paperback/Nicole Suzanne Brown
In this 118page book you will learn: Feathers and Fligh About the Author: Nicole Suzanne Brown lived in sunny Queensland all her life until moving to a very small cold country town of New South Wales, and still is confused by the choice to this day. Small in stature but big in personality, she has lived in New York, the United Kingdom, spent time in an Indian Ashram and gets itchy feet every time she glances at her Passport. She is the Creator and Editor of Spiritual Wisdom Magazine an online publishing resource for spiritual authors and bloggers. She is the Author of Passing through Time - conversations with the other side, The Meaning of Feathers, The Creativity Workbook, The Wee Little Book of The Awesome, Give to Get - how to give to receive all that you need and the soon to be released Fictions: Pride, Outback Mistress, and Phoenix. When not writing you can find her contemplating her navel, somewhere, in some part of the world.