Database Concepts, Paperback/David M. Kroenke
For courses in database management. Hands-on exploration of database fundamentals Database Concepts offers students practical help creating and managing small databases, from two of the world's leading database authorities. The text focuses on database concepts, rather than features and functions of a particular product, making it flexible enough to work with the instructor's preferred software. Data sets for three sample databases run throughout portions of the text so students can practice working with complete databases. Three running projects challenge learners to apply concepts and techniques to real business situations. In the 9th edition, Microsoft(R) Office 2019, and particularly Microsoft Access(TM) 2019, is now the basic software used and is shown running on Microsoft Windows(TM) 10. About the Author: David Kroenke has many years of teaching experience at Colorado State University, Seattle University, and the University of Washington. He has led dozens of seminars for college professors on the teaching of information systems and technology; in 1991, the International Association of Information Systems named him Computer Educator of the Year. In 2009, David was named Educator of the Year by the Association of Information Technology Professionals-Education Special Interest Group (AITP-EDSIG). David worked for the US Air Force and Boeing Computer Services. He was a principal in the startup of three companies, serving as the vice president of product marketing and development for the Microrim Corporation and as chief of database technologies for Wall Data, Inc. He is the father of the semantic object data model. David's consulting clients have included IBM(R), Microsoft(R), and Computer Sciences Corporations, as well as numerous smaller companies. Recently, David has focused on using information systems for teaching collaboration and teamwork. His text Database Processing was first published in 1977 and is now in its 15th edition. He has authored and coauthored