Ready for Autumn/Marthe Jocelyn
What am I going to wear? The question that diverts us all is first presented in the toddler years when the mastery of getting dressed is a triumph and opinions about clothing are emphatic. These four board books illustrated by collage-artist Marthe Jocelyn are a unique tribute to the colors, textures, and patterns that make clothes a child's favorite pastime. Ready for Autumn displays a full wardrobe, introducing lovely words like turtleneck and galoshes, and allowing even the very young reader to be an expert on what should be worn next season. About the Author: Marthe Jocelyn is an award-winning author and illustrator who worked for many years as a toy designer before turning her hand to writing. She has written nine picture books, one of which, Hannah's Collections, was shortlisted for a Governor General's Award for Illustration, and six novels, including the critically acclaimed works of historical fiction, Mable Riley and How it Happened in Peach Hill. Jocelyn has also written a nonfiction account of the Foundling Hospital in London, England, entitled, A Home for Foundlings. She is the editor of two short story collections, Secrets and First Times. Marthe Jocelyn divides her time between New York and Stratford, Ontario.