The Pig Hat Chapter Book: Systematic Decodable Books Help Developing Readers, including Those with Dyslexia, Learn to Read with Phonics, Paperback/Pamela Brookes
Description Finally, a delightful book series that helps kids learn phonics rules step by step. Fun books designed for anyone learning to read with phonics, especially learners with dyslexia. Start anywhere in the series, according to your child's reading level. All DOG ON A LOG Books follow a Structured Literacy/Orton-Gillingham based phonics sequence. Gameboards, flashcards, and other activities can be downloaded from www. dogonalogbooks. com Sam and Pam the pig go to the pig shop to get a pig yum. "Sam got a hat with a dot on it. A big, red dot."Sight Words: a, are, be, do, does, for, go, goes, has, have, he, her, here, his, I, like, my, no, of, says, sees, she, the, they, to, want, we, you, your Approximately 400 words This is a Step 1 Chapter book. The DOG ON A LOG Books series are for phonics readers and folks with a dyslexic learning style. They are Decodable books which means a learner who has been taught the phonics rules and the limited sight words in that book can sound them out and read them. They are systematic because one Step of books follows another. The words used reflect the inclusion of 1 to 3 new phonics rules in each Step. Each Step of books builds on the skills practiced in the prior Steps. There are five books at each Step. The chapter books are written in a chapter format with one picture in most chapters. They are longer, have more detail, and sometimes offer more complexity than the Let's GO Books. They're great for practicing known and newly introduced phonics rules. They're also just fun reading. DOG ON A LOG Let's GO Books are shorter versions of DOG ON A LOG Chapter books. Let's GO books tell the same stories with about 8 pictures and only a few sentences per page. They're perfect as an introduction to the new phonics rules or simply for fun reading for younger kids. Most kids who read DOG ON A LOG Books are over-the-moon-proud that they can finally read a book without so much frustration. This builds confidence in new and struggling readers. T