First Tunes on the Bagpipes: 50 Tunes for the Bagpipes and Practice Chanter, Paperback/The Swan of Macqueen
This is a collection of fifty of the simplest bagpipe tunes that you can learn and play easily - with practice Many of these tunes are old favourites and are played by pipers around the world. Included is a selection of popular simple airs, retreats and marches but nothing too complicated for the novice. Many of them are frequently requested at events and gatherings and you will impress your family and friends with these classic tunes. CONTENTS Banks and Braes A Hundred Pipers The Rowan Tree Auld Lang Syne Morag of Dunvegan A Man's a Man Balmoral Killiecrankie Bruce's Address (Scots Wha' Ha'e) The Flower of Scotland Steam Boat Jenny's Bawbee The Badge of Scotland Murdo's Wedding Bugle Horn The High Road to Gairloch Corriechollie's Welcome The Brown Haired Maiden Mhairi's Wedding Teribus Saffron Kilt Kelly the Boy from Killane The Wearing of the Green Dear Old Donegal Killaloe Green Glens of Antrim Barnyards of Delgaty The Old Rustic Bridge The Rose of Allandale Colin's Cattle Dream Valley of Glendaruel Glencoe William's Lullaby Highland Cradle Song Heroes of Kohima Castle Dangerous Aloha O'e Oft in the Stilly Night Set 1: The Battle of the Somme Set 1: The Heights of Dargai Set 2: Green Hills of Tyrol Set 2: When the Battle's O'er Set 2: Lochanside Set 3: Endearing Young Charms Set 3: Going Home Set 3: My Home Set 3: The Skye Boat Song Scotland the Brave The Road to the Isles Amazing Grace About the Author: Jonathan Swan has been playing the Great Highland Bagpipes for nearly twenty years and his neighbours still talk to him.
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