Emociones Para La Vida / Emotions for Life, Paperback/Enric Corbera
Description Qu nos impulsa a cometer los mismos errores? C mo podemos mejorar nuestras relaciones y nuestro bienestar? Descubre las principales t cnicas y reflexiones de Enric Corbera. Hoy en d a ya nadie duda del papel crucial que desempe an las emociones en nuestra vida. Por eso, saber entenderlas y manejarlas es clave para mantener nuestro bienestar emocional y f sico. Ahora bien, de d nde nacen esas emociones? Somos realmente responsables de lo que sentimos? Enric Corbera, uno de los divulgadores m s prol ficos de la actualidad, demuestra c mo muchas de nuestras emociones son parte de una herencia familiar y actuamos en funci n de lo que nos transmitieron desde peque os. Dicho de otra manera, sentimos lo que sentimos porque as lo hemos aprendido. Para poder recuperar la libertad y el bienestar emocional, Enric Corbera nos propone indagar en nuestro interior, sin juicios ni apegos, con una mente abierta y compasiva, para poder convertirnos en due os de nuestras creencias y, por lo tanto, de nuestra vida. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION What drives us to making the same mistakes over and over? How can we improve our relationships and our well-being? Learn about Enric Corbera's main techniques and beliefs. Nowadays there are no doubts about the crucial role that emotions play in our lives. Therefore, knowing how to understand and manage those emotions is key to maintaining our emotional and physical well-being. But, where do these emotions come from? Are we really responsible for what we feel? Enric Corbera proves that many of our emotions are part of a "family inheritance" and we act according to what was transmitted to us during our childhood years. In other words, we feel what we feel because that is how we have learned it. In order to take back our freedom and emotional well-being, Enric Corbera advises to do a self-examination, without passing any judgments, with an open and compassionate mind, in order to become owners of our beliefs and, therefore, of our lives. About th