Lesbian Erotica Collections: A Paris to Remember, When in Rome, Crazy Nights in Italy/Terri J. Pedersen
Description1. A Paris to Remember Sarah is a famous travel blogger, living the 'dream job' life. She travels all over the world and her business pays her as she goes, all she has to do is have all the fun she can and write regular blog posts about it as she does. Heading off to Paris, the city of romance, Sarah sets herself the private personal challenge of finding some romance. Travelling often leaves her lonely and craving the soft touch of another female, a lover she can call her own, or even just hers for the few weeks she spends in each city that is Paris is as exciting and as beautiful as Sarah had imagined and her blog soon fills with long dreamy posts about the city and the wonderful things Sarah discovers. This keeps the business back in the US happy and it keeps the money flowing into Sarah's bank account making her lavish stay in Paris all the more pleasant. However, Sarah's blog goes silent after she faces a dangerous situation one night being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone in Paris has recognized her from her blog and drugs her cocktail, leaving her completely helpless. But when Sarah wakes up, she soon comes to think that maybe she was actually in the right place at the right time... 2. When In Rome As I sat at my desk and looked at her, I swallowed hard. She was always a fashion plate, dressed impeccably, but tonight, she may as well have been sitting in front of me topless. Her yellow shirt was the sheerest piece of clothing I had ever seen, and her entire anatomy was on display for me. I looked away and began to go over what I had found with her. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to decide what to do. Keiko had given me the ticket with simple instructions when I couldn't decide. "If you decide you want to come with me, then I'll meet you at the gate for our flight. If not... well, I'll know when you don't show up." Just like my lack of a sex life, I had not gone on any vacations since law school either. I simply hadn't had time,