Protect Your Breasts: Freeze and Cure Your Breast Cancer with Cryoablation, Paperback/Ingrid Edstrom Fnp M. Ed
Contributor(s):Author: Ingrid Edstrom Fnp M. Ed Every woman fears breast cancer. Learn about cryoablation which can "Freeze" and cure your breast cancer with 92% to 100% effectiveness Learn what YOU can DO to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Breast Cancer or its Reoccurrence Learn about how to "Freeze" and Cure your Cancer with Cryoablation We feel that knowledge is power and "Prevention is the Cure." Your environment may have a greater impact, perhaps as much as 91% to 93% on a woman's future health risk than the issue of her family history. The Proactive Breast Wellness Program (PBW) empowers you with practical suggestions to help embrace an anti-estrogenic diet and lifestyle management program to lessen your risk of developing breast cancer and empower breast cancer survivors. Learn about supplements, hormone testing and balancing, dietary and environmental changes. Identify environmental toxins, plastics and the dangers of GMOs, bovine growth hormones and antibiotics in your food. Learn self-care techniques, lymph-drainage massage, exercise and mind-body relaxation techniques. PBW is heart healthy--women lose stubborn belly fat, their libido improves and menopausal/thyroid symptoms decrease. The PBW Nutritional Supplement Protocols and Worksheets are easy to follow.