Las Tierras Arrasadas / The Destroyed Lands, Paperback/Emiliano Monge
Epitafio y Estela son miembros de una organizaci n criminal dedicada al tr fico de personas, cuyas v ctimas son, en su gran mayor a, migrantes centroamericanos que en su af n de alcanzar mejores condiciones de vida en Estados Unidos ingresan a territorio mexicano sin imaginar que ah se topar n con una aduana infernal marcada por la violencia, el odio y los intereses m s mezquinos. La historia de amor latente entre ambos protagonistas parece anunciar la posibilidad de su absoluci n, pero sta se ve frustrada fatalmente cuando el jefe de su banda, un cura desalmado, decide prescindir de ellos y les tiende a traici n una trampa destinada a eliminarlos. La nueva novela de Emiliano Monge, ganador en 2012 del Premio Ja n (Espa a), es una implacable obra sobre un mundo espeluznante, narrada con una maestr a literaria inigualable. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This work recreates the collective drama of migration in a space spoiled by misery and the morality of those who inhabit it, but also a space that gives rise to an enigmatic story of unexpected love. Epitafio and Estela are members of a criminal organization involved in human trafficking. Their victims are generally Central American migrants who enter the Mexican territory in their eagerness to reach better living conditions in the United States, without ever imagining that they will come across a diabolical customs department marked by violence, hatred, and mean-spirited interests. The story of unrequited love between the protagonists seems to portend the possibility of their absolution, but this notion is fatally thwarted when the leader of their group, a heartless priest, decides to get rid of them and lays a trap destined to eliminate them. The new novel by Emiliano Monge, winner of the 2012 Jaen Prize (Spain), is a ruthless look at a horrific world, narrated with incomparable literary mastery. About the Author: Emiliano Monge (Ciudad de M xico, 1978) estudi Ciencias Pol ticas en la Universidad Nacional Aut noma de M xico, don