Numbers, Shapes and Colors - English to Spanish Flash Card Book: Black and White Edition - Spanish for Kids, Paperback/Flashcard Books
Description Illustrated English/Spanish Vocabulary Flash Cards for Kids. A great introduction to the language for non-Spanish speakers. This book will teach you to count to twenty in Spanish alongside several useful larger numbers. You will also learn the names of lots of shapes and colors. A deck of Flashcards in book form featuring cute grey scale cartoon illustrations, suitable for young children and beginners of all ages. The flash cards feature a rough pronunciation guide beneath each Spanish word, using phonetic English to give the reader a basic understanding of how the word should be pronounced . A perfect introduction to the Spanish language for your little ones. After reading through the book a few times, children should begin to recognize the Spanish words by sight. The phonetic pronunciations are to be used as a rough guide. This book series is a fun accompaniment to a more comprehensive language course. Part of the Flashcard eBooks series. A growing collection of children's language materials. Available in many languages including: French, Chinese Russian, Japanese Italian and German.