Say Please! / di Por Favor! (English-Spanish) (Disney Puppy Dog Pals)/R. J. Cregg
Description This bilingual board book is based on the Disney Junior show Puppy Dog Pals and contains English and Spanish text Este libro infantil biling e est basado en la serie de Disney Junior Puppy Dog Pals y tiene texto tanto en ingl s como en espa ol Join Bingo and Rolly as they show their manners and use polite words when talking to their friends and family. nete a Bingo y Rolly con sus buenos modales mientras dicen palabras educadas para hablar con sus amigos y su familia. Along the way, learn to say: - please- thank you- You're welcome.- goodbye- hello- I'm sorry.- I forgive you.- excuse me Aprende a decir: - por favor- gracias- de nada- adi s- hola- Lo siento.- Te perdono.- disculpe With simple images and clear text, this board book is perfect for building vocabulary in English and Spanish. It's a sweet and simple first step to bilingual language learning. Con im genes sencillas y texto claro, este libro infantil es perfecto para aprender vocabulario en ingl s y en espa ol. Es un primer paso sencillo y adorable para ser biling e. About the author Laura Collado is a language lover whose mother tongue is Spanish. Growing up, she didn't like waiting for the translations to read her favorite books, so she became a translator herself. She's been translating professionally since 2004 and has expanded her business to video game translation and subtitling. Laura Collado es una amante de los idiomas cuya lengua materna es el espa ol. Cuando era peque a no quer a esperar a que tradujeran sus libros favoritos, as que se hizo traductora. Lleva traduciendo profesionalmente desde 2004 y ha expandido sus servicios a la traducci n audiovisual y de videojuegos.