Letters Never Meant to Be Read: Volume III/Ditrie Marie Bowie
Description Welcome to the third volume of Letters Never Meant to be Read. This is a non-chronological series, so read on without trepidation. Have you ever wanted to write a letter to that guy or gal you brushed up against on the train? How about that lost love, or the friend who did you wrong?Even those who choose to remain anonymous are given a wonderful opportunity to share with the world their deepest thoughts, wondering hopes, quickening fears, farthest dreams, and burdening sadness. We hope that this offers you, Dear Reader, a glimpse of these emotions and authenticities of our time. This collection includes pieces from the first ever Letters Never Meant to be Read Writing Contest, an idea first brought to light by A. M. Hounchell. We were taken aback by the response as letters came pouring in from allover the world. The other editors and I found it very difficult to choose the winners. The top three are first in this publication. We hope you find them just as worthy of that honor as we did. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you into this collection, either as a reader, a letter writer, or the future possibility of both.